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This is the shell configuration file for the C-shell which is the BSD default. One of the first things people do is to change the command line prompt to show the directory name of where you are currently located at.
% set prompt = '# %/ >'
Now your prompt looks like this:

# /usr >

This way you all ways know where you are in the system directory tree.



Modifying your prompt can make your work experience more productive. Here are some common variables for customizing your C-Shell prompt:

  •  %/ - The current working directory shown as /home/user/
  •  %~ - The current working directory with your own home directory shown as "~" and other users shown as "~user"
  •  %m - The machine's hostname up until the first . (Ex: would show up as simply "freebsd")
  •  %n - Displays the username you are logged on as
  •  %M - The machine's full hostname (Ex:
  •  %t - Shows the time in 12 hour format (Ex: 4:04pm)
  •  %T - Shows the time in 24 hour format (Ex: 16:04)
  •  %p - Shows the "precise" time of day in 12 hour format (Ex: 4:04:01)
  •  %P - Shows the "precise" time of day in 24 hour format (Ex: 16:04:01)

To experiment with various prompts, use the command set prompt. Here is an example:

% set prompt='[%t][%n@%m:%~]% '

Now your prompt looks like this:


To make these changes permanent, you can add the "set prompt" line above into your .cshrc file. If you wish to make them global for all accounts, add that line into /etc/csh.cshrc

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